Our Senior Toddlers room caters for children who are 2 to 3 years old

At this age, children are actively investigating the world around them and learn best in a stimulating environment. Our qualified Educators help facilitate learning and discovery through interest-based activities which encourage investigation and exploration.
Developmental goals and objectives for children in the Senior Toddlers room are supported by Day One bespoke programs and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) as follows:
2 to 3 years old
- Walks, runs, climbs, kicks and jumps easily
- Uses steps one at a time
- Catches ball rolled to him/her
- Jumps from low step or over low objects
- Attempts to balance on one foot
- Able to open doors
- Stops readily
- Moves about moving to music
- Turns pages one at a time
- Holds crayon with fingers
- Uses a pencil to draw or scribble in circles and lines
- Gets dressed with help
- Self-feeds using utensils and a cup
- Plays with other children
- Simple make believe play
- Share toys with friends
- Plays with other children
- Simple make believe play
- Builds tower of five to seven objects
- Lines up objects in ‘train’ fashion
- Recognises and identifies common objects and pictures by pointing
- Enjoys playing with sand, water, dough; explores what these materials can do more than making things with them
- Uses symbolic play, e.g. use a block as a car
- Engages in making believe and pretend play
- Begins to count with numbers
- Recognises similarities and differences
- Imitates rhythms and animal movements
- Becoming aware of space through physical activity
- Can follow two or more directions
- Uses two or three words together
- Counts 1 to 5
- Using manners
- Increase vocabulary and use of correct grammatical forms of language
- Asks lots of questions
- Uses pronouns and prepositions, simple sentences and phrases
- Copies words and actions
- Makes music, sing and dance
- Likes listening to stories and books
Source: Developmental milestones and the EYLF/NQS