Here you will find the latest government updates, along with the steps Day One ELC is taking to support all children, families and teams within our centres.
Enrol now at our centres
On June 8, 2020, the Education Minister announced the return to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), with payments re-commencing as of July 13, 2020.
This announcement means that we are now able to accept more bookings at our centres to cater to your full requirements. We are now open for new families, and eager to welcome back all families to their centres and re-establish those close connections.
However, we understand that the COVID-19 situation has resulted in a challenging economic climate for our country. As we all work to navigate our way through the new normal, we know some families may require assistance regarding understanding the options available to them.
Families are encouraged to contact their Campus Durector for help regarding the easing of the activity test, the Additional Child Care Subsidy, our Flexible Sessions and much more to determine how to make the subsidy work best for them.
COVID-19 Health and Safety Management Policy in Centres
Day One ELC continues to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 to protect the health and safety of team members, children, families, and the wider community, by implementing our COVID-19 Health and Safety Management Policy at all of our centres. This policy has been informed by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee high-level advice for the Early Childhood Education and Care sector.
Conditions of Entry
Based on the latest advice from authorities, there are a number of conditions that must be met to enable entry to our Services.
Importantly, any child or team member who arrives in Australia from overseas from 16th March 2020 must not attend their child care centre for 14 days from their date of arrival. This decision supports the mandatory self-isolation period already imposed on travellers by the Australian Government.
If your child is displaying any symptoms, we will ask that they stay away from the Service until their symptoms clear up.
Increased safety measures
We continue to evaluate and enhance the measures we are taking to protect children in our care, families and team members.
The latest measures include a new COVID-19 Visitor Entry Process, which has been developed to minimise risk within our centres. This process is designed for everyone entering our centres, other than currently enrolled families and team members.
To support community needs, centre tours are going ahead with reviewed processes to mitigate risks. The modified process will ensure that potential new families follow preventative measures.
Families who would like to book a tour will be asked where they have travelled recently, if they have had exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19 and if they are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms. If any risks are identified, their tour will be delayed until we have confidence in their wellness.
How to talk to children about COVID-19
It is understandable that this unprecedented situation has created anxiety among families, especially among young children. It is important they get all the support they need – both at our centres and at home.
Our educators are trained to guide and support children through difficult situations. There are several online guides about how you can talk to your children about COVID-19. Here is one from the global children’s agency, Unicef.
The Australian Government’s youth mental health initiative, headspace, has also produced a guide for older children.
Support for domestic violence and abuse
COVID-19 is an unprecedented situation that may cause additional stress for many families, with more time spent in the home. In some circumstances, this can unfortunately result in an increase in domestic violence incidents and abuse in the home.
If you, or someone you know, needs help, please contact the following helplines, who will assist in getting you in touch with the correct resources and additional support for leaving the abusive environment.
1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732
24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Lifeline – 13 11 14
Lifeline has a national number who can help put you in contact with a crisis service in your state. Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis can call.
Kids Help Line – 1800 551 800
Free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25 in Australia.
Further information on COVID-19
Australian Government fact sheet:
Isolation guidance – Australian Government fact sheet:
Contact Information
We will continue to keep everyone updated as necessary, however current families can discuss any concerns or questions with your Campus Director in the first instance.