Te Kohanga Ēkara at Day One Early Learning Eagleby offers children the chance to connect with the Maori culture and learn a second language!
In our increasingly diverse society, there is a growing appreciation of the value of speaking more than one language. At Day One, our Eagleby centre offers Te Kohanga Ēkara, our unique bilingual program.
This not only offers tamariki a place to access their Māori culture, tikanga and kawa but provides all our children with the opportunity to learn a second language. Helping our children learn a second language is a great way to prepare them to succeed in every aspect of their adult lives.
What are the Benefits of Learning a Second Language?
1. Improved Executive Functioning
Children who learn a second language have improved problem-solving skills, creative solutions discovery and memory. They are better at planning, concentrating and multitasking. This is because a bilingual child has to sift through more than one language system to be able to communicate their intended message effectively and accurately. Therefore, they are constantly exercising their mind. Other cognitive development includes enhanced reading, writing and math skills; leading to better Standardised Test Scores.
2. Cross-Cultural Awareness
Children who learn a second language grow up to be able to connect easier with other cultures, be more open-minded and have an increased tolerance of diversity. They develop cultural sensitivity and empathy as they have a greater understanding of some of the challenges people from other cultures can face. Learning a second language also benefits children by creating a deeper connection between themselves and their cultural heritage.
3. World Perspective
Children develop a greater world view, and curiosity towards understanding world news and the vast range of cultures that exist. They will also have a richer experience when travelling, being able to speak the native language of the land and connect with local people.
4. Career Opportunities
Children who learn a second language will experience increased career opportunities into adulthood, it has been found that employers favour people who are bilingual due to their critical thinking skills and ability to communicate with people from other cultures. Being bilingual also opens up doors for internships, work experience and employment opportunities in other countries.
5. Health Benefits
As mentioned previously children who learn a second language experience a constant brain workout. This strengthens their core mindset. Scientists, in the largest study yet to study the effects of bilingualism and dementia, have found that people who can speak more than one language tend to develop dementia up to five years later than monolingual people.
Contact us today to learn more about Te Kohanga Ekara at Day One Early Learning Eagleby, a Childcare and Kindy implementing a Maori bilingual program. Experience the next best thing to home – he kāinga mātāmuri!
To enrol or enquire about our Day One Eagleby or any of our centres please contact us on info@dayoneelc.com.au or click here.